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ChatGPT thoughts of


By the time I write this, many of you are familiar with Generative AI, at least Chat GPT, the so-called redeemer who’s to assist you and me when tests are around the corner. Now taking you back to the time when most of us had a time when virtual classes were predominant and knowing the eventual outcome it generated from a praxis standpoint, would our learning have been more effective if we were backed by a similar tool? Just a case put in front of you to “think”…

To think is humane. When we inhibit in a so-called “past pacing” time, we are urged not to slow down or precisely not to seek time to differentiate matters, the quantity race must go on. The Generative AI has made us settle to complete a task and generate more information in less time as that’s how its Terabyte data is being patterned, and depending on how accurate our prompt is, it starts generating answers. As simple as it seems. But was that the way how we wanted to facilitate our learning habits? Just think.


Most of us love experiencing discussion. At least in the class and it starts with a question from a student. How would it have been if that question which was supposed to have a fruitful discussion in class got confined to a private space of an Ai interface?

This is a severe subject to be taken into consideration and it’s high time to realize that the “personalized learning” phenomenon using such language is a false promise put forward by them. As far as a growing student is concerned, the individual has to have either a critical or creative approach in any matter, discipline, or domain, at least I believe so. With the high usage rate of a language that’s insignificant to crafting any of the above two, not helping us to withstand an opinion and finalize a decision, isn’t it a countable matter we have to seek that shoulder for every bit and piece?


Some of us have asked ourselves, what’s driving us to request there? Perhaps, it’s the rate at which our queries are getting solved from there, but apart from this: is that the preconceived notion we kept forward making us “think” that they are less prone to commit mistakes and we are unfit to think here? In fact, the unfit that we presume is far behind the fact that the human mind is not meant to statistically process data directly just like a language model but rather a sophisticated mechanism that operates in a fascinating manner that is highly efficient to differentiate something from the other and endeavor to give explanations with a “feel” element.

Precisely, at a time when a paradigm shift is happening in the way information is being extracted and distributed from a human-centric to others, let’s not stay untroubled to “think” of a system where whatever you and I read was not meant to broaden ourselves but to keep the race of quantity live and us falling for the same…